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Collateral Damage in America's War on Sex Crimes

What Keeps Us Safe? It’s Sure Not Sex Offender Registries
Takeaways from the First-Ever Debate on Sex-Offense Registries
You Should Check Out This New Magazine
Did a Newspaper Inspire a Murder Attempt?
The Year in Vigilante Violence
The Latest Victims of Offender Registries—Children
An Open Letter to Local Reporters
Why Reporters Should Stop Using “Predator”
A Tale of Two Pitchers
“Survivors and Perpetrators Are More Similar Than Different”
Do Failure-to-Register Violations Lead to Future Sex Crimes?
How Democrats Helped Create an Enemy of the State
More on What Victim Advocates Say About Registries
The Best Short Video on What’s Wrong With Our Sex-Offense Laws–and What Actually Works
Four Years in Prison for Driving His Son to a Ball Game
Another Eye-Popping Statistic
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum Weighs in on Sex Offender Registries
There’s Now Hard Evidence that Registries and Residency Restrictions Increase Re-offense Rates
A Residence Ban Forced This Family into Homelessness for Almost Two Years
Research in Brief: Many Cops Are Skeptical of Sex Offender Registries Too
PowerPoint Slides from My Presentation “Five Arguments for Sex Offender Registries–and Why They’re Wrong”
An Important Correction on the Last Post
Does Checking the Sex Registry Keep Your Child Safe?
How Sex Registries Undermine Sound Sentencing
For Iranian Refugees, from Land of the Free to Endless Punishment (Rena’s Story)
Research in Brief: The Famous (and Usually Misquoted) Abel Study
Research in Brief: “Bad Data–How Government Agencies Distort Statistics on Sex-Crime Recidivism”
Why We’re Not So Smart on Ex-Offenders, Sex Registries, and Much Else
How One Teen’s Placement on the Registry Lost His Mom Their Apartment and Her Job
The Limits of Righteous Rage
State Sex Crime Laws Will Cost This Family a Million Dollars
This Editorial Board’s Key Argument Is a Logical Fallacy
Sex Registries Are Stealing Money from Prevention and Victims Services
What “Secondary Registration” Looks Like in Real Life
Newsflash: Nuanced Thinking Would Help Fix our Sexual Violence Problem
“The Registry Laws Aren’t Protecting My Kids” (Phyllis’ Story)
The New Science of Addiction Shows Reducing Sexual Abuse Requires a 180-Degree Turn From What We’re Doing
“I Will Do What I Have to for Those Kids” (Hazel and Rick’s story)
A War on Sex Crimes in an Unforgiving Land
How the Sex Offender Registry Increases the Risk of Reoffense—a View from Inside the Criminal Justice System (“Dolley’s” Story)
A Sexual Assault Victim Explains Life on the Registry (Bonnie and Russell’s Story)
“True Love” Meets the Rules (Felicia and Jeff’s Story)
Getting Beyond Our Obsession With Villains
The Powerful Case Against Sex Offender Residency Bans
How Second Chances Help—in Business and in Sex Crime Policy
Pitchfork Populism Meets the Family (Ann’s Story)
Not-So-Sweet-Home Alabama
Reasonable People—Your Opinions Needed
Residency Restrictions Don’t Work—So What Does?
Victims Don’t Support Sex Offender Registries Either
A Cure Worse Than the Disease? (Lina’s Story, Part 2)
When Honesty Doesn’t Pay (Lina’s Story, Part 1)
A Matter of Proportion
Good-bye Little League (Jason and Lisa’s Story, Part 3)
“How Long Can a 17-Year-Old Be Punished?” (Jason and Lisa’s Story, Part 2)
“She’s Going to Point at You in Court, and You’re Going to Lose” (Jason and Lisa’s Story, Part 1)
The Other Face of “Lauren’s Kids”–Interview with Vicki Henry
Monica Lewinsky: “Public Shaming as a Blood Sport Has to Stop”
How Did We Get Sex Offender Registries Anyway? How the Wetterling Act Got Hijacked (Part 2 of 2)
How Did We Get Sex Offender Registries Anyway? It Started With a 10-Minute Bike Ride (Part 1 of 2)
Lila’s Story, Part 3: “If You Even Look at Anyone in My Family, I’ll Kill You”
Lila’s Story, Part 2: From Teen Romance to Life as a Registrant
Lila’s Story, Part 1: “I’m Not Here to Rob You—I’m Here to Kill You”
Early Findings of New Study Indicate Sex Offender Policies Are Creating New Child Victims
Lari’s Story
Kat’s Story, Part 3
Kat’s Story, Part 2
Kat’s Story, Part 1
Western Europe and Sex Offenders
Are the Reported Low Rates of Sex Offender Recidivism Due to the Sex Offender Registry?
More on Recidivism Rates
A Test of Your Views About the Sex Registry
Does Sex Offender Registration Tell Us Who’s Dangerous?
A Little Empathy Might Help
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